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A mala (Sanskrit name for ‘garland’) is a set of beads traditionally worn and used for prayer and meditation. Malas typically consist of 108 beads (a sacred number in some Eastern cultures) but these necklaces are very popular whether you want contemplative prayer beads or just a fashion statement.

In this workshop, you will be able to design your own Mala from a large selection of beads (semiprecious, sandalwood, hardwood) and various coloured tassels. You will also be able to make a stretch bracelet to match your necklace. 

Sign up for this workshop on the Nurturing Connections board or by contacting Zena.

Saturday, March 2

1:00-4:00pm at Hope

Cost is $25 - please make payment once you've registered. This provides you with craft supplies and snacks. Bring a plain light coloured hand towel to work on and reading glasses if necessary.