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Seeking Council Members

With the AGM approaching, the Council is looking for 4 – 6 more members as well as the Treasurer. Here is some information about Council. Please consider and if you have any questions, contact a Council Member.

Church Council is a group of elected representatives of the congregation. There needs to be a minimum of 6 and up to 12 members who must be voting members of the congregation. The normal term is three (3) years and no member of the Church Council should serve more than three (3) consecutive terms. At the first Church Council meeting after the Annual Meeting, the council elect officers consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. The remaining council members are either liaisons representing various church ministries or members at large. The Council Chair is automatically the council liaison for and a member of the Mutual Ministry and Personnel Committee.

Convention Delegates

Another item of business at our AGM will be to elect a delegate for the upcoming ABT Synod Convention in Camrose, June 6-8. An important task of that convention will be to elect a new bishop. In addition, we have the opportunity to nominate a someone to serve as a delegate to the 2025 ELCIC National Convention in Winnipeg. Anyone we would nominate would then be up for election by this June’s Synod Convention. Please give prayerful consideration to these ways you or someone else you think of can participate in the wider life of the church. Important decisions get made at these conventions, affecting the shape and directions of our church in a time of profound change.

Bethlehem Lutheran Fellowship

Since September 2022 the Bethlehem Lutheran Fellowship has been holding Cantonese-language services in our Multi-purpose Room, led by Rev. Peter Chau. In the past months they’ve been having a wonderful problem – a growing community! – leading to their wanting to use the sanctuary for worship. In the past months our council has been working out the details to help this to happen, and we are now at a point when this can happen. Starting in February the Bethlehem Lutheran Fellowship will begin worshiping in the main sanctuary at 12:00 pm. From 10:00 am, while Hope is at worship, the Fellowship will meet in one of our classrooms for Bible study time. We hope that our congregations might get to know each other during the after-church (for us) and before-church (for them) fellowship time. Blessings to our sisters and brothers in Christ!