Confirmation is discipleship.
It is a journey of discovery and a process of connection: to God, self, and others.
We build connection to God through study, prayer and worship;
to self by learning and growth in spiritual awareness;
to others in relationship-building fun times together, and acts of service to the community.
Calling all young people between ages of 12 and 14! Confirmation classes start on September 6, running every other Tuesday this fall. Please be in touch with Pastor Kristian to register or for more information.
In the traditional Lutheran pattern of Confirmation we cover the Bible in one year and the Small Catechism in the other. This will be a Catechism year, covering the basics of our theological foundations as Lutherans: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Sacraments.
Included in the fall plan is a Confirmation Retreat at Camp Kuriakos (November 25-27). The fee is $60 (I think). Details to be worked out as we get closer, but I hope everyone can mark their calendars to be there. The retreats are always such fun and bonding times.
In addition to the class times with our own Hope group, Confirmation is also in collaboration with other Lutheran churches in Calgary. Plans for that are still in development, but probably will include an online meeting every other week (the weeks we don't meet with our local church in person). Or else possibly the city-wide meeting will be as a couple of retreat times this fall. More news coming on this.